Unit one assessment

Time is running fast. everyone know that. ...ok let say something useful. 

1-Develop your Project Proposal to plan a challenging and self-directed 
programme of study.

i'm always change. but one thing i never changed is i want make the interactive project. in here i will say it again-my project will be a interactive movie, the movie is talk about environment problem. this several week i was working for my movie and the vision testing. i was try to find the best way to present this movie. 
first of all let me show my story structure 

ye there it is. 
the structure have 2 part. the first part that use line to link is the basic structure. they combine with 3 main story line together. follow the story process the story line will change. 
the idea is influence by the essay: peeling the onion  
in this essay the author summary 4 level of interactive narrative. the highest level is about the AI system in the game. its means the computer can think by themselves. but my skill in limited. so i just attend  to make level 3 interactive narrative. actually have lots of video game use this level interactive. but when game player play the game they can't feel the interactive narrative. for this reason i make the interactive more obvious. and make the structure more complex.
this pic is the ordinary multiple ending look like
 back to my structure, the second part in my flow that link by dotted line is what happen in for the keywords. this is just remind me the story of the screens.

in my project proposal i even no complete story, but now i have a complete story and structure. i think this is the only change with my proposal....

2-Demonstrate a critical engagement with practice-based research reflecting on
the critical skills and framework presentations.   

in this part i will show all the things i did for the movie.

first is the whole movie style development. the original idea is i want use 3d to make whole movie. and i learn the 3d skill and spend many time to prepare. but i find problem is 3d screen need really high cpu and memory to work. it make me so slow to finish the movie. and the vision style is very hard to design. so that i decided change most screen to 2d just keep some character in 3d.
this is the old look
this is new look
you can find the different is very obvious. i use this style is not just because the 2d is more easy to run in my computer. 2d style is clean audience can easily get the idea. and i ask lots young people, they like the 2d style more than the 3d one. and my movie's tag audience is the young people so i think change style is right chose.
in here i will show u the development about my design.
first is the sketch
then color

but in this picture, the everything is not enough good, so i re design it.
this the final look
next i want talk about my bear. the character in my movie. in the begin, i use bear to make my character.is like this....
draw uv
rigging body for animation

but in that time i change the idea. i decide use 2d style. so i change the color again.
it looks fine, however there have a problem is the bear is not fit my new screen design. i thing lots of time and finally i redo the main character.
this idea is came from the seed. he haven't arm and mouth. he can't fight and talk. he is a weak guy. 

ok, this is my final character design. next i will post another design.
this is the good master design. the idea from totem, chinese buddha and other buddha..
and i find a really good artist and his work influence my work
his name is AJ Fosik he use wood to make the wonderful animal head. 

this is outcome
i combine primeval arts and graphic design. next is the bad boss design, but i didn't finish it 
ps:http://cg.tutsplus.com/ this is the web i learn cinema 4d

3-Articulate a clear understanding of methodology and context in your creative 
when i make my story i was use some idea about how to write story. Joseph Campbell - Hero With a Thousand Faces and Propp - Formula for the story is most helpful. i know use mode to write is not good. but when write a interactive script i should think a lot. so have  a mode can help me solve lots of problem.

4-Evaluate and present your Project
foe me the most problem now is how to make the interactive between human and computer. i mean just use mouse or find other way to interactive. last few month i go to take photo for my friends. they have a interactive performance. it was very interesting. i was think about it. but i haven't idea yet.

5-Contribute actively to debate and discussion through Pathways and across
the Course  

6-Be aware of your own personal and professional development. 
i want say i learn a lot. i read some really helpful essay, and learn some useful skill such as 3d. i find when u need something then to learn it is the best time.  but i still thanks this course, i learn how to teach myself anything i want. 



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